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OminZ - offline OminZ
17-04-2003 22:17 URL сообщения        Профиль    Поиск    Контакт-лист   Редактировать

Изменения вносимые в Warcraft III beta патчем 308!

Item Changes:
- Town Portal range to include units to teleport increased to 1100 from
- Scroll of Speed duration increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds.
- Clarity Potion cost reduced to 70 from 80.
- Healing Salve cost reduced to 100 from 125.
Changes to Neutral Buildings, Units and Heroes:
- Neutral heroes now require an Altar to be purchased.
- Death Coil now heals Pit Lords while Holy Light harms them.
- Pit Lord speed increased to 300 from 270.
- Black Arrow minions once again improve with the level of the skill. For
each level gained, Minions gain 30% hitpoints and slight amounts of
- Tornado has been reworked. It now creates a controllable unit that does
extreme damage to nearby buildings, light damage to buildings in the
general vicinity, slows units by a large amount, and tosses nearby units
and heroes up into the air randomly. Note that the spell is still a
channel spell.
- Drunken Haze duration reduced to 12 seconds at all levels.
Undead Changes:
- Destroyers are now magic immune.
- Destroyer damage decreased to 1d4 + 20 from 1d5 + 24.
- Orb of Annihilation now adds 20 bonus damage up from 12 bonus damage.
- Obsidian Statue mana pool increased to 600, up from 400, and Obsidian
Statue starting mana is now 400, up from 100.
- Obsidian Statue mana regeneration increased to 3/sec from 2/sec.
- Essence of Blight and Spirit Touch now cost less mana when less targets
are available. 5 or more targets: 10 mana; 4 targets - 8 mana; 3 targets
- 6 mana, etc. Currently, these abilities show up as "2" mana, but this
is a bug which will be fixed soon.
- Essence of Blight now heals 12 hitpoints per casting, up from 10.
- Cannibalize on the Abomination now heals 15 hp/sec, up from 10 hp/sec,
and heals a maximum of 495 hitpoints, up from 330.
- Spiked Carapace armor bonus now 3/5/7 up from 2/4/6.
- Impale cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 11 seconds.
- Death Pact can now be used on invulnerable units.
Human Changes:
- Spell Breakers are now 3 food.
- Spell Breaker cost increased to 215/30 from 155/20.
- Spell Breaker damage increased to 1d3 + 12 from 1d2 + 8.
- Spell Breaker feedback now deals 20 damage to units, and 7 damage to
heroes (assuming they have mana to feedback).
- Arcane Tower feedback now deals 24 points of damage to units and 12
damage to heroes (assuming they have mana to feedback).
- Polymorph no longer affects summoned units.
- Aerial Shackles now deals 20 damage / sec, up from 10 damage / sec.
- Town Hall cost increased to 385/205 from 385/185.
- Banish duration vs heroes is now 5/7/9 by level, up from 5/6/7.
Banish cooldown is 10 (for reference)
- Mana Siphon now costs 10 mana down from 25.
- Mana Siphon duration and cooldown reduced to 6 from 8, but rate of
drain increased by roughly 20% at all levels.
- Phoenixes now lose 25 hitpoints per second, up from 10.
- Frag Shards now deals 25% more bonus damage than it did previously.
Note that this bonus damage is only effective against unarmored and
normal armor units.
- Gyrocopters now move at speed 400 up from 350.
Night Elf Changes:
- Taunt radius reduced to 450 from 500.
- Rejuvenation can now be cast on units at full health.
- Dryad hitpoints increased to 435 from 380.
- Fan of Knives damage cap reduced to 350/675/950 from 400/750/1075.
- Fan of Knives mana cost reduced to 100 from 110.
Orc Changes:
- Lightning shield range increased to 600 from 500.
- Hex no longer affects summoned units.
- Hex cost reduced to 70 from 75.
- Spirit Link now affects 4 targets, up from 3.
- Researching the Berserker Strength upgrade now requires a
Stronghold instead of a Fortress.
- Berserker Strength cost reduced to 50/150 down from 50/200.
- Troll Berserker hitpoints increased to 450, up from 425.
- A bug which was reducing the effectiveness of Burning Oil has been
- Upgraded casters properly get the +30% mana regen boost that was put
in several patches ago. Up until this patch, casters only got +30%
mana regen to base regen, which ended up being only +15% when fully
- Splash damage units that get a "MISS!" from Curse, Evasion or Drunken
Haze, now deal Ѕ damage to targets. Previously, they dealt full damage.
- Gargantuan Sea Turtle hitpoints increased to 1250 from 1000.

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